Apple 7th Gen iPad + Smart Cover Fix

Sun 12 January 2020

Perhaps the most frustrating part of using the Apple Smart Cover with the 7th Gen iPad is that the keyboard just randomly stops working from time to time with no real rhyme or reason as to why. After lots of searching around and not getting anywhere I finally found a solution that works like a charm

  1. Physically disconnect cover from the iPad
  2. Reconnect the cover
  3. use Cmd + Tab to switch through a few apps
  4. resume typing because Apple hasn’t fixed this in the software yet

Considering I have seen articles from like 2 years ago where this was an issue it really feels like Apple should have fixed this by now but nope, an up to date 7th generation iPad in 2020 is still having this issue. Makes me wonder what that premium price tag for most Apple goods go to if not fixing/refining the products.

Category: fixes Tagged: apple fix ios ipad