Monitoring on AWS with CloudWatch Agent and Procstat

Wed 26 August 2020

One of the first issues I ran into was with IAM Policies, or lack thereof . Specifically it was the managed policy CloudWatchAgentServerPolicy which needed to be added. The telltale sign that you forgot to add this Policy is an error message in the Agent logs, seen below

2020-08-17T22:46:18Z E! refresh EC2 Instance Tags failed: NoCredentialProviders: no valid providers in chain<br>caused by: EnvAccessKeyNotFound: failed to find credentials in the environment.

The procstat plugin fortunately is already part of the Agent from install, but it still needs to be configured. In order to do this you have to add a configuration file specific to your monitoring needs. For old school admins the easiest way to think of procstat is that it basically ties into the ps tool. It’s like doing a ps -ef | grep to find something about a running process.

[root@lab-master amazon-cloudwatch-agent.d]# pwd
[root@lab-master amazon-cloudwatch-agent.d]# cat processes
    "metrics": {
        "metrics_collected": {
            "procstat": [
                    "pattern": "nginx: master process /usr/sbin/nginx",
                    "measurement": [

This will get us far enough that now we can see values in the Metrics view of CloudWatch. Once we have data there its time to construct a metric alarm. My goal was to use Terraform however its less painful to do in the AWS console.

resource "aws_cloudwatch_metric_alarm" "nginx-master" {
  alarm_name = "nginx master alarm"
  comparison_operator = "LessThanThreshold"
  evaluation_periods = 1
  datapoints_to_alarm = 1
  metric_name = "procstat_lookup_pid_count"
  namespace = "CWAgent"
  period = "300"
  statistic = "Average"
  threshold = "1"
  alarm_description = "Checks for the presence of an nginx-master process"
  alarm_actions = [aws_sns_topic.pagerduty_standard_alarms.arn]
  insufficient_data_actions = []
  treat_missing_data = "missing"
  dimensions = {
    "AutoScalingGroupName" = "some-ASG-YXI8VDT6MBE3"
    "ImageId"       = "some-ami"
    "InstanceId"    = "some-instance-id"
    "InstanceType"  = "t3a.large"
    "pattern"       = "nginx: master process /usr/sbin/nginx"
    "pid_finder"    = "native"

The alarm creation proved to be a lot harder than I had expected, taking up several hours. I had to re-create things in my lab setup twice and do a Terraform import. The problem turned out to be that the dimensions{} block is not optional despite what the Terraform docs say. Had it said the fields were all required I probably would have saved days of time

Polish Work

In the process of working things out I hard coded a lot of values in the Dimensions {} block. Naturally that is not good practice, especially with IaaS so I will need to rework it to use variables instead. Also the alarm names should utilize the Terraform workspace values for better naming.

Category: cloud-aws Tagged: AWS CloudWatch procstat EC2 monitoring

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