Taking Back Email - Update 1

Sun 01 May 2022

Not a lot to really say other than so far its been great to have a proper hosted email solution that integrates so well with things. Having a full blown online office solution tied to my email has been extremely handy while transitioning from contract work back to a full time gig.

The only real problem I have found so far is some online tools seem to not like non-standard TLDs for email addresses. While doing paperwork for my new job (I9 documents) their system for whatever reason would not let me complete this step and ultimately they had to send me a request on an older gmail account to get it completed. I only really ran into this once during the whole process so I did not really persue a fix for it but I suspect its mostly just due to having .services as my TLD for my email address.

Originally I had intended to do a lot of integration work with the AD side of things however some life-altering events really cut down on my free time to play with tech projects, however as things stabilize at home I am reallly hoping to start this side of the project back up both to help keep my mind sharp and move more of my resources off-prem where possible.

Category: thoughts